Sometimes I tell myself not to think about you Lord

20130908_171129Sometimes I tell myself not to think about you, LORD, or even mention your

name. But your message burns in my heart and bones, and I cannot keep silent.

 I heard the crowds whisper, “Everyone is afraid. Now’s our chance to

accuse Jeremiah!” All of my so-called friends are just waiting for me to

make a mistake. They say, “Maybe Jeremiah can be tricked. Then we can

overpower him and get even at last.”

 But you, LORD, are a mighty soldier, standing at my side. Those

troublemakers will fall down and fail– terribly embarrassed, forever ashamed. Jer20


Ek lees vanoggend van Jesus wat Sy hele opdrag volbring het, van Paulus wat

aan die einde van sy lewe geweet het hy het alles gedoen wat vir sy lewe beplan

was. Ons bly geroep om die wedloop te voltooi, enduit te hardloop. Maar wat is

die kern van die wedloop?


Is dit om elke dag met sy eise voluit aan te pak? Ek glo tot ‘n groot mate

so, maar daar is soveel meer en dalk mis ons die hele punt omdat ons fokus nie

op ewigheids waarde is nie. Jeremia kla soos net hy EN ons kan, hy gaan

so ver om te sê hoekom is ek gebore! Wow ek dink hy was soos ons vandag sal sê:

“Lekker down”.


What a contradiction in terms, there is nothing lekker about being

down! It is the pits… and Jeremiah is an expert on being in a pit.


Om terug te kom by die punt wat is die kern van die wedloop? Daar is

net een opdrag… maak dissipels… Nou wonder ek of ons afgeit nie dalk te

doen kan hê met die mis van hierdie dissipel opdrag nie?


My questions today is are you being discipled and are you in turn discipling?

In other words are you living in the full will of God? Are you fulfilling Gods’

will in order for His kingdom to come? Bennie Mostert said on Sunday many

people are saying we are in the last days and there are times when he

actually feels like agreeing but he can give us 1.9 Billion reasons why we are

not there yet! 


Voel ons af omdat ons dalk van die pad af is?

(This FB note was first published 17February 2012)

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